britney spears hot

britney spears hot

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Britney Spears - a name which, whether we love it or hate it, we all know. A person who some like to call a "train wreck" while others continue to view as the poor victim of her own circumstances...
Let's examine her much criticized 2007 MTV Awards performance where she strutted around the stage wearing a tiny, black, sequined bikini and "let it all hang out" - some people said she looked fat and out of shape, others said that she looked great... after having had two kids.
Do you think Britney cared either way? From the looks of it... I don't think she cared at all.

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britney spears hot!

I mean - she did look good for being an average mother of two. In fact, she looked great compared to an average mother of two when you take into consideration that most of the US adult population is overweight... Yeah, considering that... She looked pretty damn good!
The problem is that Britney Spears is not an average mother of two!
Beyond that, as a celebrity - by definition - she can't afford to be satisfied with looking average.
Britney is a former beauty icon who was acknowledged as such by our celebrity-addicted society. That being said, that same celebrity-addiction that made her, requires that she look and play the part of the hot, beauty icon that people made her to be.

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britney spears hot!

This makes me think that showing up in an extremely revealing outfit with a merely "average-looking" body was downright disrespectful to the audience, the fans, the people who have supported her throughout her career... even her own kids (just think of the impact this behavior will have on them growing up!)

But do you think she cares? I don't think she does...

I cannot recall any other celebrity who has made such a fool of herself by demanding to be regarded as "hot and sexy" without even coming close to looking the part. Take Heidi Klum, Denise Richards and Jennifer Garner, they have all proven to us that it is possible to look amazing after having kids - and each one did it in record time!

britney spears hot

britney spears hot!

Think of Madonna, Cindy Crawford and Pamela Anderson, who are not just considerably older than Britney, they also had their children when they were much older than the age of 25. Yet now, all of them in their forties, look spectacular and keep on working hard. They are all living up to their respective roles as Pop Queen, supermodel, beauty icon... and most importantly - their role as mothers.

Each one of them, by honoring their own beauty and their bodies shows us that they care.

As a fitness professional, I work with countless women who put a lot more work and dedication into looking good and being healthy than Britney apparently did for that show - and they achieve the results they want!
The amazing thing is that most of these women don't work at jobs that require them to look like a magazine cover model or even to stay healthy. They all do it for themselves, for their children and for their loved ones.

britney spears hot

britney spears hot!

In other words, they do it not because they have to - but because they care.

So now I ask: How is it possible that women who don't have access to a fraction of the luxuries and comforts that Britney Spears has can be capable of looking great, staying healthy and showing others that they care?

All of these women are normal human beings without any special superpowers - and they all do it! (I've even got the pictures to prove it!)
It's not even that difficult... It simply takes having a healthy diet coupled with exercise - and most important - caring about it all.
So if you've been looking for a surefire way to look hot and sexy, I just have one suggestion...

Let's stop caring so much about Britney Spears and begin to care more about ourselves!

Yvonne Levy is an internationally recognized Perinatal Fitness expert with the gift of making mommies and "mommies-to-be" of all shapes and sizes look and feel sexy, "hot" and beautiful.